This is a managed investment program. Your money will be pooled with other investors’ money and invested in various investments. Flex Global Exchange will invest your money and charge you a fee for its services. The returns you receive are dependent on the investment plans you pick up from Flex Global Exchange Packages. The value of those investments will go up after the investment duration. What will your money be invested in? The Flex Global Exchange Funds (‘Trading’) offers 5 passively managed index funds (‘Funds’) for you to invest in. You can choose to invest in one Fund or a combination of Funds in amounts of your choosing.

What We Do
Why Choose Flex Global Exchange
Economic $100-$999
Platform Introduction
Personal Account Manager
Financial Market Introduction
Educational Webinars
Unlimited Market Signal
Commercial $1,000-$5,000
All Basic Benefits
Platform Introduction
Personal Account Manager
Financial Market Introduction
Educational Webinars
Business $3,000-$10,000
All Basic Benefits
Platform Introduction
Personal Account Manager
Financial Market Introduction
Educational Webinars
Proficient - $5,000-$15,000
35% For 7 Days
All Silver Benefits
Platform Introduction
Personal Account Manager
Financial Market Introduction
Educational Webinars
Unlimited Market Signal
Expert - $10,000- $50,000
45% For 10 Days
All Platinum Benefits
Platform Introduction
Personal Account Manager
Financial Market Introduction
Educational Webinars
Unlimited Market Signal
Vip - $15,000- Above
60% For 14 Days
All Platinum Benefits
Platform Introduction
Personal Account Manager
Financial Market Introduction
Educational Webinars
Unlimited Market Signal